Binyam Reja: The tremendous changes in China's transportation system

2021.08.25 49

China has been cooperating with the World Bank for 41 years. The World Bank has provided significant financial support for China's transportation development and has also brought valuable technological development experience. The World Bank not only supports the development of transportation infrastructure and planning research, but also enhances the capabilities of project management and implementation personnel. At the same time, the leapfrog development of China's transportation industry has also brought valuable experience and provided Chinese wisdom to the development of countries around the world.

Binyam Reja, Acting Global Director, Transport Global Practice, the World Bank, was invited to receive an interview with Cai Yuhe, Chairman of China Transport News, to deeply discuss the changes that have occurred in China's transportation industry, explore innovative characteristics and future international cooperation directions.

China's high-speed rail construction is unparalleled.

Binyam Reja came to China in 2012 and participated in and witnessed the rapid development of transportation in China. The construction of infrastructure such as high-speed rail is unstoppable; Shared travel and technological innovation bring new vitality to transportation; The degree of electrification is constantly improving; The accessibility and interconnection of rural transportation bring convenience to the people.

Over the past 40 years, cooperation between China and the World Bank in transportation has been quite active.

Since the 1980s, the World Bank has been providing assistance to China's transportation development. From ports to highways, to the construction of railways, urban transportation, and sustainable transportation, the World Bank's cooperation with China covers various transportation fields. Facing carbon emissions reduction in the transportation industry, it is necessary for the World Bank to collaborate with China to design solutions and develop plans. China's experience will provide valuable reference for addressing the challenge of global climate change.

The institutional mechanism with Chinese characteristics is the key to the rapid development of its transportation infrastructure.

The World Bank has cooperation with many countries, but its cooperation with China is unique. Local governments have strong work capabilities and a sense of responsibility, playing an important role in promoting the rapid implementation of transportation projects. The participation of various sectors such as research institutes, universities, and enterprises, as well as the knowledge sharing and experience exchange represented by the TransFORM platform, have played an important role in the rapid development of the transportation industry.

To build a strong transportation country, it is necessary to provide efficient, safe, highly accessible, and resilient transportation modes for the people.

Binyam Reja believes that accelerating the construction of a strong transportation country needs to focus on two aspects: firstly, to establish a transportation system based on a decarbonization basic framework, and to comprehensively improve transportation efficiency on the basis of decarbonization; The second is to improve institutional mechanisms and explore healthy and sustainable financing development models.

Looking forward to continuously seeing more innovative achievements from China's transportation industry and benefiting the world.

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