BMCT: Research Report on the Implementation Effect Evaluation of Urban Road Traffic Performance Index Based on Floating Car Data

2023.08.02 26


Beijing Municipal Commission of Transport


Beijing Municipal Commission of Transport


The Beijing local standard Urban Road Traffic Performance Index(DB11/T 785-2011) (hereinafter referred to asthe Index) promulgated on April 28, 2011 proposes an evaluation index system for Beijing's traffic performance. It covers six indicators, including the “road traffic operation index”.The Indexdescribes the macroscopic operation features of the traffic of Beijing and provides an important reference for urban traffic management, evaluation of traffic operation efficiency, and prediction of traffic operation status in major events.

In the five years since the standard was officially implemented on August 1, 2011, the urban transportation infrastructure, motor vehicle ownership, residents' travel methods, public transportation system, and the release of traffic information of Beijing have undergone tremendous changes. According to the relevant provisions of theRules for Standardization Work of Beijing Municipal Commission of Transportthat “for local standards that have been issued for five years, the unit issuing the standard shall entrust a third-party organization to evaluate it”, the Industry Supervision Department of the Beijing Municipal Commission of Transport organized the evaluation on the local standardUrban Road Traffic Performance Index(DB11/T 785-2011).

Through research in relevant units and surveys on the feelings of congestion of passengers, the report points out thatthe Indexhas problems in the expressions and related technologies. It is believed thatthe Indexcan hardly reflect the specific and microscopic traffic operation conditions and it is ambiguous in the division of road segment thresholds and the physical meaning of the reliability index.

Relevant inspirations have been gained through comparing and analyzingthe Indexwith other urban traffic standards at home and abroad. For the evaluation system, the standard of Guangzhou could be referred to and the “daily road network stability coefficient” could be added. Meanwhile, the standard of Zhejiang can be learned to make the index easy to understand by improving the terminology. In addition, the experience of foreign countries could be learned to divide the road sections according to the complexity of the road and exclude the congestion caused by traffic accidents during the determination of the number of congested road sections.

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Research Report on the Implementation Effect Evaluation of Urban Road Traffic Performance Index Based on Floating Car Data


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