Clean Air Asia etc: Green Truck Ranking: Research on the Progress of Pollution and Carbon Reduction of Trucks in China

2023.10.15 19


Wang Yue, Cheng Huihui, Ran Zheng, Zhong Nan, Wu Ye, Zhang Shaojun, Wang Hui, Zhao Bing, Kang Yifei, Wang Pengfei, Shi Wentong, Zhou Lei, Fan Chunyan


Clean Air Asia, School of Environment, Tsinghua University, National Big Data Alliance of New Energy Vehicles


Based on data from multiple sources, the Green Truck Ranking research conducted a multi-dimensional and systematic analysis of the progress of energy substitution in the truck industry, the operation and energy consumption level of new energy trucks, and the effectiveness of traditional fuel trucks in reducing pollution and carbon to evaluate the progress and effect of pollution and carbon reduction in the truck industry, identify the weak links in the process of green transformation, and provide suggestions for relevant parties.

So far, the research of Green Card Ranking has released three reports and it continues to enrich the scope and topics of concern. After the implementation ofthe Diesel Truck Pollution Control Action Planin 2018, the project team began to track the environmental protection and fuel consumption performance of diesel trucks and included pure electric trucks and natural gas trucks in the scope of research from 2020.

The reportGreen Truck Ranking: Research on the Progress of Pollution and Carbon Reduction of Trucks in Chinacontinues to track the progress of diesel trucks, natural gas trucks, and pure electric trucks in pollution and carbon reduction and adds three new contents. The first is the analysis of hydrogen fuel cell trucks to focus on the new path of truck energy transformation from such aspects as market, operation, and energy replenishment. The second is the cases of environmental and cost-benefit evaluation of pure electric trucks to focus on the benefits of electrification from the angle of society and users. The third is to add the environmental protection performance of diesel engines for the first time to explore the emission differences of different engines used in whole vehicle.

For data and analysis, the research of Green Truck Ranking continues to focus on the analysis of data of environmental protection annual inspections, OBD remote online monitoring, PEMS testing, vehicle follow-up testing, new vehicle announcements on fuel consumption and environmental protection information, new energy vehicle actual operation monitoring, and sales and retention markets to fully reflect the truck industry's pollution reduction and carbon reduction policies, technologies and industrial progress. It is found that the truck industry has achieved phased results in pollution reduction and carbon reduction, yet there is still a long way to go before zero emissions.

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附件-绿卡榜 中国卡车减污降碳进展研究.pdf

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