CHD, TPRI,Sinoiov: Analysis Report on the Role of Highway Freight in COVID-19 Prevention

2023.05.31 25


Chang’an University, Transport Planning and Research Institute of the Ministry of Transport, Beijing Sinoiov Information Technology Co., Ltd.


Chang’an University, Transport Planning and Research Institute of the Ministry of Transport, Beijing Sinoiov Information Technology Co., Ltd.


Since the outbreak of the epidemic, highway freight has played a strong supporting role in the transportation of key medical and living materials. The purpose of this report is to review and evaluate the impact of China's highway freight system during the epidemic, and analyze and expound the impact process, impact degree and anti-epidemic guarantee.

The epidemic has had a great impact on the national road freight production system.. With the effective control of the domestic epidemic, the highway freight system shows a strong recoverability. From January 14 to February 2, 2020, the growth rate of 83% of urban highway freight traffic in China decreased year-on-year to the largest extent, and recovered to the level of the same period in 2019 on March 25, showing good impact resistance and toughness. Highway freight plays an important role in the anti-epidemic process and the resumption of work and production.

A modern industrial system with high industrial toughness, strong transportation organization ability and high impact resistance is built in the highway freight industry of China. Highway freight plays an important and irreplaceable role in the national emergency rescue system. The highway freight network system is closely related to the national macroeconomic production pattern. On the basis of the infrastructure channel network system, attention should be paid to the construction of the backbone transportation network system. Relying on the monitoring and organization information platform of important cargo transportation production, the construction of the national emergency transportation supply chain system in response to emergencies is actively carried out.

Download: Analysis Report on the Role of Highway Freight in COVID-19 Prevention

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