Green Transportation Standard System (2022)

2024.05.15 4

Green Transportation Standard System Released

Providing Systematic Planning for the Standardized Development of Green and Low-carbon Transportation

Recently, the Ministry of Transport issued Green Transportation Standard System (2022) (hereinafter referred to as the Standard System). It aims to shore up points of weakness, consolidate the foundations, and promote improvement of the standards for key fields of green transportation through the construction of standard system, thus providing powerful support for accelerating the construction of a country with great transport strength.

To implement the Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization and the requirements for green development in such documents as the Working Guidance for Carbon Dioxide Peaking and Carbon Neutrality in Full and Faithful Implementation of the New Development Philosophy issued by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, the Ministry of Transport organized the compilation of the Standard System to refine the architecture of the standard system and clarify the tasks for revision standards under the new circumstances.

Adhering to the principles of goal orientation, coordination, priority over key areas, and innovation, the Standard System includes five parts, namely overall requirements, the structure of the standard system, the detailed list of standards, the statistical tables of the standard system, and others. Corresponding to the contents of the Green Transportation Development Plan for the 14th Five-year Plan Period, it covers energy conservation, carbon reduction, pollution prevention, ecological environment protection and restoration, as well as conservation and efficient use of resources in such fields as comprehensive transportation, road, and waterway. Emphasis is laid on the coordination and complementarity between standards to promote the efforts to cut carbon emissions, reduce pollution, pursue green and sustainable development of transportation. The supply of key standards for reaching the objective of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality and the battle against pollution is accelerated.

The Standard System comprises a total of 242 standards, with 195 already published (including 45 to be revised) and 47 to be formulated. These standards encompass both national standards and industrial standards for transportation. They are categorized into five parts, namely basic and general standards, energy conservation and carbon reduction, pollution prevention and control, ecological environment protection and restoration, and conservation and efficient use of resources. In addition, the Standard System also lists 43 national standards and industrial standards for ecological environment relevant to energy conservation, carbon reduction, pollutant emissions, and ecological environment protection in the transportation industry, aiming at promoting the coordinated implementation of green standards.

According to the Standard System, by 2025, China will establish a fully covered, structurally sound, well-connected, and advanced green transportation standard system. The quality of the standards provided for energy conservation, carbon reduction, pollution prevention, ecological environment protection and restoration, as well as conservation and efficient use of resources in such fields as comprehensive transportation, road, and waterway will be continuously improved.

By 2030, the green transportation standards system will be further improved, with an ample supply of green transportation standards and timely dynamic updates to the standards system. This will effectively promote the improvement of the green and low-carbon development level in the transportation industry and the construction of the ecological civilization governance system.

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