The Beijing-Xiong’an Expressway (Beijing Section) Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Project

2023.08.08 34

Project Name

The Beijing-Xiong’an Expressway (Beijing Section) Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Project


Fengtai District, Fangshan District and Daxing District of Beijing Municipality

Owner/Implementation Units

Owner Unit: Beijing Municipal Commission of Transport

Implementation Unit: The Consortium of China Railway Group Limited, China Railway Beijing Engineering Group Co., Ltd., China Railway Sixth Group Co., Ltd., China Railway No. 5 Engineering Group Co., Ltd., and China Railway First Group Co., Ltd.


Private; Expressway; BOT

Completion Time/Estimated Completion Time

It was completed and opened to traffic on December 31, 2022, with a construction period of 730 days;

The operation period is 25 years from January 1, 2023, to December 31, 2047.


Aiming to phase out some non-capital functions from Beijing and promote the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the establishment of the Xiongan New Area is a strategy crucial for a millennium to come. To better build the Beijing-Xiong’an Expressway (Beijing Section), a rapid transportation corridor linking Xiong’an New Area to Beijing, the Beijing Municipal Government and China Railway Group Limited jointly launched the PPP project. Beijing Municipal Commission of Transport is the owner unit while Beijing Capital Highway Development Group Co., Ltd. invested on behalf of the government.

The section starts from the Fifth Ring Road in the north and is located in the current Gaojiabao Village, 1.6 kilometers north of Jingliang Road and the Fifth Ring Interchange. The route crosses the Yongding River to the west and enters Fangshan District, along the south of Daotian 4th Road. After crossing the Daotian cluster on the side and crossing Fangshan Line and Jingshen Road, the route turns south and runs parallel to the current Jingshi Passenger Dedicated Line. It shares the corridor with the high-speed rail and crosses the Changyang and Liangxiang clusters, and crosses Jingliang Road and Liangxiang East Road along the line to the Sixth Ring Road. A mainline toll station is set between the Fifth Ring Road and the Sixth Ring Road. After crossing the Sixth Ring Road, it extends along the Jingshi Passenger Dedicated Line which turns west after crossing Jingshen Road where the two routes separate. The route extends southward to reach the boundary of Beijing and connects with the starting point of the Hebei section.

As a key project of Beijing municipality undertaken by China Railway Group Limited, it was constructed by four engineering bureaus including China Railway First Group Co., Ltd. The operation period is 25 years from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2047. The Beijing Municipal Commission of Transport determined the private investor through public bidding. The owner unit shall sign theInvestment Agreementwith the private investor within 30 days from the date of issuing the bid-winning notification.

Within 30 days after the signing of theInvestment Agreement, Beijing Capital Highway Development Group Co., Ltd., as the public investor, shall fund the establishment of the project company jointly with the private investor. The registered capital of the project company is 41% of the total project investment quotation of the private investor. The private investor holds 51% of the stake while the Beijing Capital Highway Development Group Co., Ltd. holds 49%. During the cooperation period, the project company is responsible for the investment, construction, operation and handover of the project. After the cooperation period expires, the project company should hand over the project to the owner unit or the unit designated by the government for free.

The estimated total investment of the project is 12.259 billion yuan. The final amount of vehicle purchase tax funds input is less than 3.2 billion yuan and the government no longer assumes any other subsidy responsibility. The fund gap other than registered capital and vehicle purchase tax funds shall be resolved by the project company through financing. The Beijing Capital Highway Development Group Co., Ltd. will not participate in the profit distribution and risk or debt commitment of the project company during the cooperation period.

The Beijing-Xiong’an Expressway (Beijing Section) is the main route of the new pattern of the “four horizontal, four vertical, and one ring” regional expressway network for Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei integration in thePlanning Outline for Xiong’an New Area. It is the most convenient channel connecting downtown Beijing, Beijing Daxing International Airport, and the Xiong’an New Area. Its completion is of great significance for improving the external backbone road network of Xiong’an New Area, building a one-hour traffic circle between Beijing and Xiong'an, and serving coordinated development and integrated transportation of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei.

Key Data

The estimated total investment of the project is 12.259 billion yuan. The private investor and the Beijing Capital Highway Development Group Co., Ltd. should invest 41% of the total project investment quotation of the private investor in the form of the registered capital of the project company. The final amount of vehicle purchase tax funds input is less than 3.2 billion yuan and the government no longer assumes any other subsidy responsibility. The operation period is 25 years from January 1, 2023, to December 31, 2047.

The design speed for different sections of the Beijing-Xiong’an Expressway varies. The design speed of the section from the Fifth Ring Road to the main line toll station is 100 km/h while that of the section from the main line toll station to the city boundary is 120 km/h. The total length of the route for construction is 27km. The standard roadbed width for the two-way eight lanes expressway is 42 meters and it was finally completed in 730 days.


Public Investor: Beijing Capital Highway Development Group Co., Ltd.

Status Quo/Progress

On December 19, 2022, a branch line of the Beijing-Xiong’an Expressway in Hebei was formally connected to the North Line Expressway of Beijing Daxing Airport. It has improved the road network around Daxing Airport, improved traffic efficiency, and accelerated the construction of the capital metropolitan area.

Innovation Point

The project adopts the BOT model and the enterprise is responsible for investment, financing and project maintenance. In addition, Beijing Capital Highway Development Group Co., Ltd., as a public investor, does not have actual control and management rights over the project company, but it plays a supervisory role, introducing third-party supervision to ensure the construction period and project quality.

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