Daxing Airport North Line Expressway(Beijing Section) PPP Project

2023.08.08 17

Project Name

Daxing Airport North Line Expressway(Beijing Section) PPP Project



Owner/Implementation Units

Owner Unit: Beijing Municipal Commission of Transport

Implementation Unit: The Consortium of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited, China Railway 16th Bureau Group Corporation Limited, and China Railway Construction Bridge Engineering Bureau Group Co., Ltd.


PPP; Private; Expressway; BOT

Completion Time/Estimated Completion Time

Completed and opened to traffic on June 30, 2019;

The operation period is 25 years from July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2044.


To improve the “one horizontal” expressway in the “five vertical and two horizontal” transportation network of Daxing International Airport, speed up the communication between Xiong'an New Area and Beijing, shorten the time for entering Beijing, and promote Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei integration, the Beijing Municipal Commission of Transport announced bidding to launch the Daxing Airport North Line Expressway(Beijing Section) PPP Project.

The project starts from the boundary of Beijing and Zhuozhou on the west and reaches the boundary of Beijing and Langfang on the east. The eastern section is from Jingtai (Beijing-Taipei) Expressway to the city boundary, the central section links Jingkai (Beijing-Kaifeng) Expressway and Jingtai (Beijing-Taipei) Expressway, and the western section is from Jingkai (Beijing-Kaifeng) Expressway to the city boundary. The total length of the project is about 26 kilometers, including the 14.66 kilometers two-way eight lanes central section, the 2.87 kilometers two-way six lanes eastern section, and the 8.34 kilometers two-way six lanes western section. 

The Beijing Municipal Commission of Transport determined the private investor through public bidding. The Beijing Capital Highway Development Group Co., Ltd., as the public investor, funded the establishment of the project company jointly with the private investor. While establishing the project company, the private investor and the Beijing Capital Highway Development Group Co., Ltd. set up a temporary project organization to carry out the preliminary work and the results were handed over to the project company after its establishment. The project company is responsible for the whole process from project planning, fund raising, construction implementation, operation management, debt repayment and asset management.

The Beijing Municipal Commission of Transport grants the project company the franchise right to invest, construct, operate and manage the project. After the franchise period expires, the project company should hand over the project to the Beijing Municipal Commission of Transport or its designated unit for free. The franchise rights during the franchise period of the project include the right to charge expressways and billboards along the line.

The total registered capital of the project company is about 6.179 billion yuan. The Beijing Capital Highway Development Group Co., Ltd. invested about 3.028 billion yuan, accounting for 25% of the total investment of the project and 49% of the equity. The Beijing Capital Highway Development Group Co., Ltd. does not participate in the profit distribution of the project company or undertake other investment obligations. The private investor provided about 3.151 billion yuan, accounting for 51% of the equity. With a total investment of 11.0007 billion yuan, the project is divided into three sections, including the central section, the eastern section and the western section. The construction period of the central section is to December 31, 2018, while that of the eastern and western extension sections is to June 30, 2019. The operation period is 25 years from July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2044. The project should be handed over to the government for free upon the expiration of the operation period.

The opening of the Daxing Airport North Line Expressway has improved the road network structure and traffic efficiency around Daxing Airport. It is of great significance for promoting the coordinated development of Daxing District and adjacent areas like Zhuozhou and Gu'an of Hebei Province, and accelerating the construction of the capital metropolitan area.

Key Data

With a total investment of 11.0007 billion yuan, the Daxing Airport North Line Expressway(Beijing Section) PPP Project spans 26 kilometers. The width of the two-way eight lanes expressway is 100 meters and the design speed is 120 km/h.

The total registered capital of the project company is about 6.179 billion yuan. The Beijing Capital Highway Development Group Co., Ltd. invested about 3.028 billion yuan, accounting for 25% of the total investment of the project and 49% of the equity. The Beijing Capital Highway Development Group Co., Ltd. does not participate in the profit distribution of the project company or undertake other investment obligations. The private investor provided about 3.151 billion yuan, accounting for 51% of the equity. With a total investment of 11.0007 billion yuan, the project is divided into three sections, including the central section, the eastern section and the western section.


Public Investor: Beijing Capital Highway Development Group Co., Ltd.

Status Quo/Progress

The Daxing Airport North Line Expressway(Beijing Section) was opened to traffic in 2019. On December 19, 2022, the western section of the Daxing Airport North Line Expressway and the branch line of the Beijing-Xiong’an Expressway in Hebei Province were officially opened to traffic.

Innovation Point

The PPP model adopted by the project has a sound policy, organization, capital and experience support. With a good foundation of “user payment”, the project can create conditions for the private investor to obtain reasonable returns through the government subsidy mechanism. The private capital has a good market-oriented and professional development foundation in the field of expressway construction and operation.

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