Jinan Traffic Brain Construction Service Project

2023.10.15 18

Project Name

Jinan Traffic Brain Construction Service Project


Jinan City, Shandong Province

Owner/Implementation Units

Owner Unit: Traffic Police Detachment of Jinan Public Security Bureau

Implementation Unit: Beijing E-hualu Information Technology Co., Ltd.


Intelligent transportation, Integration of intelligence, command, service, supervision and publicity, service mechanism reform

Completion Time



Jinan is a representative R-shaped city that is long and narrow from east to west. Such an urban structure brings problems such as tidal traffic, pendulum traffic, and long-distance traffic. The traffic flow to and from getting off work during morning and evening peak hours accounts for 80%.Accidents are a major cause of traffic jams. The handling of accidents involves the prediction of accident duration, the judgment of the scope of influence, the scheduling of processing resources, etc.To reduce the impact of accidents on traffic and alleviate the contradiction between supply and demand in the traffic of the city, Jinan launched a traffic brain construction project to serve urban traffic management in an all-round and multi-level manner.

The traffic brain of Jinan is characterized by the “one cloud and four centers, one ring and ten services” structure, covering the traffic cloud, the sensing center, the analysis center, the decision-making center, and the evaluation center. Beijing E-hualu Information Technology Co., Ltd. is responsible for the construction of the integrated platform of intelligence, command, service, supervision and publicity of the traffic brain. As an important part of the traffic brain of Jinan, the business runs through “one cloud and four centers”.

Through setting up nearly 100 sets of AR eagle-eye panoramic monitoring on the main roads of the city and accessing the outfield collection equipment at each traffic checkpoint, the floating car data of Internet companies, the static parking data of 378 parking lots in the city, and the slow traffic data such as shared bicycles, the sensing center can realize the real-time perception of the urban traffic situation.

The analysis center receives the traffic information perceived for analysis and prediction of traffic congestion, accidents, demands, violations, and so on.

Based on the information provided by the sensing center and the analysis center, the decision-making center provides a series of action measures, like traffic organization optimization, intelligent signal control, traffic sign line regulation, illegal behavior tracking, and so on. Face capture and information comparison are adopted for identifying disqualified drivers. When the similarity is greater than 85%, the information is sent to the command and dispatch platform and checkpoint investigation and arrest system to improve the accuracy in the crackdown on illegal activities.

The evaluation center tracks and evaluates the details of the implementation effects of traffic management decisions of the traffic police in the whole process, conducts dynamic inspections, and automatically warns of police management problems, to achieve faster, more accurate, and fairer police supervision and management.

In response to the requirements of the reform of the new service mechanism, Jinan Traffic Brain has built a new service mechanism of Internet + the integrated platform of intelligence, command, service, supervision and publicity in Jinan to realize active discovery of intelligence, precise and efficient command, fine management of service, as well as timely and diverse publicity, providing reliable and scientific technological support for improving the command decision-making and organization capabilities of the Traffic Police Detachment of Jinan Public Security Bureau. Achieving an excellent demonstration effect across the country, it has been praised by such authoritative media as Xinhuanet and People's Daily.


Key Data

On a daily basis, the platform handles more than 600 accident cases, including more than 150 accident cases of rapid handling, and more than 300 non-accident cases. More than 300 service positions are managed daily and more than 1,000 pieces of police positioning equipment such as individual positioning, police motorcycles, and police cars are online every day. More than 500 are online at the same time during morning and evening peak hours. Since the application of the supervision system, the command center, traffic police brigades, and traffic police squadron have worked together to find problems, improve systems, and optimize the process of case handling. The average time for receiving and dispatching the case at the command center has been shortened from 5 minutes to less than 3 minutes. The average arrival time of the police on duty on the road to handle accidents has been shortened from 8 minutes to 4.5 minutes and the overtime rate of case handling is less than 0.8%.

On average, the platform generates about 1.4 million pieces of operational data and stores about 7GB of them every day.


Zhihui Quancheng Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing E-hualu Information Technology Co., Ltd.

Status Quo/Progress


Innovation Point

The integrated platform has provided practical operational functions for the traffic police detachment, brigades, and squadrons(police offices) in Jinan, providing leaders at all levels and police officers with advanced weapons to improve the work and lead the team. Driven by intelligence, it promotes the work on command, service, supervision, and publicity in the three-level organizations according to the operational process, forming a complete closed-loop feedback mechanism and improving the efficiency and effect of the integration of intelligence, command, service, supervision, and publicity.

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