Official Launch of World Bank Report “Developing China’s Ports – How the Gateways to Economic Prosperity Were Revived”

2023.05.31 40

Host: the World Bank


14.30 – 14.35

Opening Remarks

Ÿ  Alejandro Alcala Gerez, Operations Manager, WB China/Mongolia/Korea Country Unit

Ÿ  TBD, Chinese Ministry of Transport

14.35 – 16.35

Looking Back and Forward: Introduction by Authors and Port Operators


1.      Growth of China’s Ports and SEZs (Sheila Farrell, 10 mins)

2.      Port Governance and Finance (Lu Cheng & Peter de Langen, 15 mins total)

3.      Port-Hinterland Connectivity (Sheila Farrell, 10 mins)

-     Shanghai Port: Sea-River Coordination (5 mins)

-     Tianjin Port: Developing Inland Ports (5 mins)

-     Shandong Port: Port-Hinterland Connectivity (5 mins)

-     Ningbo Port: Sea-Rail Transportation (5 mins)

4.      Smart Port (Peter de Langen, 10 mins)

-    Tianjin Port: Smart Port (5 mins)

-    Ningbo Port: Port Informationization and Digitalization (5 mins)

5.      Port City Development (Sheila Farrell, 10 mins)

-    Shanghai Port (10 mins)

6.      Green Port (Peter de Langen, 5 mins)

-    Shandong Port (10 mins)

-    WB Green Shipping Corridor Lending Project Call for Proposal (Xi Chiu, 10 mins)

16.35 – 17.00

Q&A (Audience to post questions in chatbox for moderator to select 3-5)

17.00 – 17.05

Closing Remarks

Ÿ  Benedict L.J. Eijbergen, WB Transport GP Manager, East Asia and the Pacific

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