Liuzhou IoV Pilot Zone Phase I Construction Project

2023.08.08 13

Project Name

Liuzhou IoV Pilot Zone Phase I Construction Project


Liuzhou City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region

Owner/Implementation Units

Owner Unit: Liuzhou Municipal Government

Implementation Unit: CICTCI


Intelligent transportation; cooperative vehicle-infrastructure system (CVIS); Internet of Vehicles(IoV)

Completion Time

Liuzhou IoV Pilot Zone Phase I Construction Project was completed on December 30, 2022


With a solid foundation of the traditional automobile industry, Liuzhou boasts the production bases of four major automobile groups in China, namely SAIC, Dongfeng, FAW and Sinotruk. Liuzhou City promotes the development of the Internet of Vehicles industry to create a national-level Internet of Vehicles pilot zone. It fully considers the needs of local vehicle companies to build the “low-cost and wide coverage” infrastructure for cooperative vehicle-infrastructure system, starting IoV pilot zone construction project.

The IoV pilot zone construction project actively grasps the development opportunities of the new generation of information and communication technology to guide the development of the Internet of Vehicles and the intelligent connected vehicles via such new technologies as LTE-V and 5G and go all out for constructing urban RoboTaxi and intelligent connected scenic spot experience scenarios. For the urban RoboTaxi scenario, it considered the demand for sightseeing application scenarios and constructed the first RoboTaxi demonstration line in Guangxi with unmanned driving technology and CVIS technology to allow residents to experience the technological development of the IoV. For an intelligent connected scenic spot experience scenario, it deployed roadside intelligent network connection facilities along the road and the urban C-V2X shared sightseeing vehicles based on CVIS to integrate technology experience into park sightseeing.

The project construction is mainly composed of the overall architecture, communication system and perception system. The overall architecture framework includes five parts, including the access layer, transport layer, data center layer, platform layer, and application layer. It is mainly for data infrastructure construction. The communication system LTE-V2X and wired transmission system can provide safe, stable and reliable access to multiple networks and realize the linkage between data center services and networks as well as the unified operation and maintenance of physical and virtual networks to support the connection with user cloud platforms/business platforms and virtualization platforms. The perception system is composed of front-end sensor nodes, edge computing devices, network devices, etc. It provides information services for intelligent networked vehicles.

Key Data

Relying on the construction of IoV Pilot Zone, Liuzhou has attracted 8 enterprises in the intelligent Internet of Things industry chain and the industrial ecology of the Internet of Vehicles has begun to take shape. At present, it has completed the intelligent network transformation of 50.3 km of urban roads, covering 125 intersections in major urban areas. 241 sets of IoV C-V2X roadside equipment (RSU) and 1566 sets of roadside sensing equipment have been deployed. The National Automobile Inspection Center (Guangxi) Intelligent Connected Close Test Field was put into operation, providing a test and verification environment for automobile enterprises. It can help local vehicle enterprises to speed up the testing and development of autonomous driving technology and products and save the costs for R&D.



Status Quo/Progress

In April 2023, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology replied to the People's Government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region to support Guangxi (Liuzhou) in establishing a national-level IoV pilot zone. Liuzhou will comprehensively promote the transformation and upgrading of the traditional automobile industry, seize the opportunity for the development of the IoV industry, and drive the agglomeration of the intelligent networked automobile industry covering R&D, testing, and production.

Innovation Point

The large-scale intelligent network application for public roads of the Liuzhou IoV pilot zone construction project can satisfy the needs of vehicle producers, boost the upgrading and transformation of traditional vehicles, promote the implementation of different application scenarios, and form the “Liuzhou mode” of IoV that can be replicated in small and medium-sized cities.

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