Aispeech AI Digital Human Management Platform

2023.10.15 23

Project Name

Aispeech AI Digital Human Management Platform



Owner/Implementation Units

AISpeech Co., Ltd.


Intelligent transportation; Expressway; Artificial intelligence; Digital system

Completion Time



With the rapid development of China's economy, the mileage of expressways is increasing day by day with exponentially growing traffic volume. At present, the driver and passenger service system, service area operation system, and expressway command system of expressways still adopt relatively traditional operation models, which restrict the efficiency of problem-solving, affect the satisfaction of drivers and passengers, and constraint the development of intelligent expressways due to the limitation in intelligence level, usability, and user experience.

The AI Digital Human Management Platform can boost the development of intelligent transportation and the construction of an intelligent transportation system. The AI Digital Human Management Platform is a multi-dimensional integrated AI digital management platform covering AI digital operator, AI digital employee, and AI digital voice interaction large screen, and so on. With the technical support of speech recognition and semantic understanding, the AI digital operator, taking knowledge base data as the core, can identify the needs of drivers and passengers of the expressway and transfer them to the corresponding service processing ports via the intelligent interactive system. The AI digital employees in the service area include virtual robots and physical robots, who are responsible for responding to information inquiries from drivers and passengers promptly as well as providing route guidance and interactive entertainment experience to ensure better experience and entertainment during services. The AI digital voice interaction large screens are mainly installed in command centers and the office of leaders. The target road conditions can be quickly found through natural language operation which supports compound commands and the joint dispatching and command of multiple seats.

The AI digital management platform is a three-dimensional operation system compatible with various application systems, creating a new “people, road, and vehicle” full-link operation support system to fully empower the “people, road, and vehicle” full-scenario intelligent expressway operation system.

Key Data

The AI digital operator provides 7*24 hours of voice interactive consultation so that drivers can focus on safe driving to ensure safe travel. The AI digital voice interaction large screens can help users quickly find the target road conditions through natural language operation which supports compound commands and the joint dispatching and command of multiple seats.


AISpeech Co., Ltd.

Status Quo/Progress


Innovation Point

The AI digital management platform is a three-dimensional operation system compatible with various application systems. It makes full use of the voice language AI middle platform to tap the maximum value of data applications, creating a new “people, road, and vehicle” full-link operation support system to fully empower the “people, road, and vehicle” full-scenario intelligent expressway operation system.

Related Links

Official Website of AISpeech Co., Ltd.



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